Saturday, November 20, 2010

Is Tourism the culprit?

Vietnam In The Past

Vietnam today

To a certain extend, yes it is the culprit in commodifying cultures and traditions.

Due to that fact that Vietnam is a developing country, her government has open its doors to tourism because tourism brings in foreign exchange revenues. The revenue can then help increase the income of the locals' as well as their economy. Because of the influx of tourist arrivals, locals are all eager to earn tourist dollars and thus
it is seen as a result of the process of commodification of culture whereby traditions, way of life and its underlining symbolism become imagined and transformed into saleable products for the sole purpose to tourism consumption. Cultural performances used to be performed at its original, appropriate time slot, which can be once a year is now performed on a regular basis because of the tourists.Therefore, i conclude that tourism has comodified cultures and traditions to a large extend.

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